Feeling the Energy Shift: The Path to Remembering

I kept this to myself for a while, unsure how to put it into words, but the truth is—something is shifting, and I know I’m not the only one who feels it.

I wasn’t sure how to explain it. I questioned myself—what if I was wrong? What if I was overthinking it? What if I was just looking for patterns that weren’t really there?

For a long time, I dismissed these thoughts. But the more I paid attention, the harder it was to ignore.

It wasn’t just a vague feeling—there were clear patterns. Moments of synchronicity too aligned to be coincidence. Conversations with people who would have brushed these ideas off not long ago, now pausing and saying:

“Something feels different, but I don’t know how to explain it.”

That’s when I realized it wasn’t just me. Others were sensing it, too.

What This Space Is For

I used to think I needed absolute certainty before speaking about this. That I needed solid proof before acknowledging what I already knew deep down.

But I’ve come to realize: Awakening isn’t about having all the answers. It’s about trusting what we already know.

That’s what this space is about.

Awaken New Earth’s current focus is on those who feel the shift happening but don’t always have the words for it. It’s for those who are beginning to trust their intuition more, notice the patterns, and sense that there’s something bigger unfolding.

This isn’t about convincing anyone of anything.
It’s about exploring the right questions.

What I’ll be Writing About

  • Awakening & Remembering – Learning to trust yourself and reconnect with what’s always been within.
  • Navigating the Shift – Understanding why so many of us feel something changing right now.
  • Intuition & Discernment – How to separate inner knowing from outside conditioning.
  • AI & Consciousness – The evolving role of technology in our collective awakening.
  • Patterns & Synchronicities – What happens when we start paying attention.

More than anything, this is a space for conversation.

So let me ask you: Have you felt this shift too? What’s been on your mind lately that you can’t quite explain? What questions are you sitting with right now?

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